Monday, July 22, 2013

Potty training

Evelyn is 2 years and 4 months old. We have casually been trying to introduce her to the potty for months! I first bought her a potty seat for her to use on the big potty. She wanted nothing to do with that and would freak out whenever I put her on there. Thus, I decided to just buy her a small potty of her own. 

She has sat on the small potty a lot but only once (recently) did anything on it.  Well, last night, my husband decided to once again put her on the big potty. This time she did not freak out; in fact, she actually peed! We got so excited for her and she was excited as well!

This morning we put her on the potty again and to my surprise she went. She did this throughout the day. I tried to take her up once an hour and it seemed to be working well. She did have a few accidents (we put training underwear on her) but at least when we put her on the potty she would go!  She hasn't done #2 on the potty yet (actually she didn't do that at all today) but hopefully she will get it all soon! We just have to work on having her TELL us when she needs to go.

One step at a time... In the meantime, I am so proud of what she's done so far!
What a big girl!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday - the day I married my best friend!

June 3, 2006 was the day I married my best friend! I reminisce a lot about that day. I wish I could re-live it! It was a blast!!!

I can't believe how young we look :)

Ah, memories. Now almost all of my bridesmaids are married and even have kids! Time flies....

Monday, July 8, 2013

A 2 year old's vocabulary

I haven't been around many 2 year olds and definitely not long enough to compare them to my daughter... It amazes me every day how much she talks and how many thing she knows how to say.

In the past few weeks I have also noticed that she's starting to remember things (and people) more and more. It's amazing to see her little mind developing before my eyes.

She also says some funny things too! Today for example, Jody was sharing his milkshake with her and at one point they finished it. She asked daddy for "more chocolate please" to which he replied there was no more. She then told us we "have to go get some more". It was so cute and funny!

She is also starting to have an opinion about the music we listen to in the car l. She's definitely a top 40s girl. She knows the words to a lot of songs. And when she doesn't know the words. She hums along. It's the cutest thing ever!

I am not sure if she's ahead of where she should be for her age or not, but for a 2 year old, I think she's pretty darn smart! I am definitely a proud mommy :)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Summer Fun

So far this summer, we have been having a lot of family fun! We've been going to Six Flags, Cubs games,the Zoo, carnivals, Santa's Village and just hanging out doing things outside!

I have been enjoying taking Evelyn to do all these fun things. I know she may not remember it in the future, but she will have pictures and videos to look back on. She will be able to see how much we enjoy spending time with her and taking her places that make her happy! I enjoy seeing the huge smile on her face when she's doing something she loves! Makes me so happy too.

Looking forward to the rest of the summer. It should be a great time!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My little music lover

Evelyn loves music! Lately she's been singing along to songs in the car more and more. It's so cute to hear her memorizing the words and melodies! :)

She loves singing along with me and gets so excited when I sing to her! I really want to encourage her (what seem to be) musical talents. I have to start looking in to some classes or something for her.

Jody and I are both very into music. We both sang in choirs and Jody played the trumpet. Hopefully Evelyn will pick up on some of our talents! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Keeping the kiddo occupied...

Normally this time of year we would be able to at least take walks outside or go to the park once in a whole. However, the Chicago weather is not cooperating this spring. One day it'll be warm but raining and the next it's freezing and cold. I am running out of ways to keep Evie entertained inside the house! There's only so much we can do. Hopefully the weather decides to turn to spring soon! I'm getting cabin fever myself! Oh well, at least we have Mexico to look forward to at the end of May! Maybe by then the weather will be somewhat better here... We can only hope!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sicky McSick

So last week Evie had a bit of a cold (first one ever). There were a couple of nights where she woke up and cried... I'm assuming because it was because she couldn't breathe very well. But putting the humidifier in her room and rubbing Vicks on her chest helped her get past it in a couple of days.

Fast forward to yesterday... I took a quick shower in the morning and then went into Evie's room to get her. When I walked into her room she was heaving... I didn't know what to do so I picked her up and took her to the bathroom. She threw up a little bit of clear fluid and was then fine. She did get pretty upset and cried. She hasn't thrown up since probably 9 months old so it was something new for her.

She ate breakfast and lunch just fine and played as she normally does all day. I put her down for her nap and around 2:30 I heard her stirring around. I went in there only to find that she threw up all over everything in her crib including herself. So I cleaned it up and gave her a bath and then she was fine the rest of the day. She slept fine and today she is happy as usual. So odd! Jody and I think she either ate something bad or she's been sticking her hands down her throat too far!

Ah the joys of being a parent...

Saturday, March 30, 2013


We went to church today to bless our Easter baskets. My family is Polish, so this is one of our traditions. Tradition states that you bless the food that you will be eating on Easter Sunday. We fast (no meat) on Friday and Saturday, so by Sunday any meat we get tastes all the better lol! Traditionally the types of foods that go in to the baskets are: ham, bacon, Canadian bacon, salt, vinegar, sausage, eggs, butter and bread (each family has their own variations too..) Kids usually have their own baskets filled with candy and toys and such :)

So this morning we got up and colored our eggs and I put together mine and Evie's baskets. We met up with my entire family at Church to have them blessed. It's always been our tradition to go with the entire family.

After church, we went over to my parents' house to have lunch. Another tradition is that there is a soup that you eat on holy Saturday. It's made from the water left over from boiling the meat for Easter Sunday. You add garlic and a bunch of other stuff to it... It's sooo good!

I am happy to share these traditions with Evelyn. :) I hope she remembers this when she gets older!

Now I can't wait for Easter Sunday morning! My mom makes this awesome "meat salad" with all of the foods from her basket. It's seriously the one meal I look forward to all year lol!

Happy Easter to all!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Evelyn amazes me more and more every day. She's just learning so much! Also some of the things that come out of her mouth astound me. I have no idea where she learns half of the stuff... She's so smart!
Earlier today she had her foot in a plastic box and was sliding around the floor... I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was "skating". What??? The kid has never been skating or seen anyone skating in real life... She's so funny.

I know I probably sound like this overly proud mom but really, I haven't met a two year old that knows some of the things she does! It makes me so proud and happy!

Here's a picture of Evie "skating" today...