I think the terrible two's are upon us. We are now getting temper tantrums, running away and just random screaming and whining! Today I thought I was going to lose it!
Of course I love my little girl, but being around that 24/7 is going to get a little trying.... Lol!
I have decided to start Weight Watchers and get back into the habit of going to the gym, so at least that will give me a little bit of time away from the house/alone time!
In other news, my grandfather passed away on Sunday... I already miss him terribly. Wednesday is the wake and the funeral is on Thursday... Pray that I have the strength to get through it. It's going to be really really hard. My entire family was very close with him... Heck he lived a block over from me. RIP Dziadziu (grandpa in Polish) I will miss you so so much!
Here's a picture of all my cousins and our children with my grandparents on my grandfather's 90th Birthday this past fall...
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